About GAPT

Love Peace. Love Travel.

We celebrate cultures,
to promote Peace

GAPT was born out of a vision for more Peace, universal values, and intercultural understanding.
GAPT is the brain-child of En Suite Group's Founder and CEO, Tajamul Hussain, who believes that through tourism, the world can be a better and brighter space for everyone. The organization is an ode to the International Institute For Peace Through Tourism. When people travel a channel for dialogue opens up, and dialogue plays a vital role in bringing inter-cultural peace and exchange. GAPT uses an array of mediums to encourage, dialogue, peace, and travel.

GAPT’s Mission & Vision:

Global Ambassadors for Peace through Tourism is driven by a wide vision to promote peace, universal values and intercultural understanding.We believe that travelling makes the world smaller, and creates peace and unity despite ethnic, racial, religious and cultural differences. Hence, GAPT endeavours to use Travel as a vehicle to promote peace and international security to make the world a better place for generations ahead.
At the core of GAPT’s ideology is understanding and dialogue. We curate activities such as Annual Gatherings to create a meeting place for the travel community to interact and engage in a cultural dialogue in an atmosphere of mutual respect. Along with facilitating extended support to cultural and tourism establishments that put in efforts towards cultural exchange amongst countries.


Love Travel. Love Peace.